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Copper Conus - Shell Spike

Copper electroplated stainless steel
2010 (24cm h x 21cm x 32cm)


Conus snails are venomous, carnivorous and predatory. They hunt and eat prey such as marine worms, small fish, mollusks and even other cone snails. Because cone snails are slow-moving, they have evolved a venomous harpoon to capture faster-moving prey such as fish. The venom of a few larger species is powerful enough to kill a human being. The harpoon of the cone snail is hollow and barbed. When the snail detects nearby prey, it turns a long flexible tube called a proboscis towards its victim. The venom-laden harpoon is fired from the proboscis into the prey by a powerful muscular contraction. The snail then retracts the harpoon, drawing its paralysed prey into its mouth.


Black Conus - Shell Spike

Nickel and black chrome electroplated steel
2010 (12cm h x 18cm x 31cm)


Copper Conus - Shell Spike3

Copper electroplated stainless steel
2013 (31cm h x 45cm x 27cm)


Red Conus - Shell Spike1 (copper)

Copper electroplated stainless steel
2010 (25cm h x 31cm x 19cm)


Copper Conus - Shell Spike2

Copper electroplated stainless steel
2013 (14cm h x 49cm x 23cm)


Black Zinc Conus

Zinc and black passivate electroplated stainless steel
2010 (17cm h x 18 cm x 31cm)


Copper Conus - Shell Spike1

Copper electroplated stainless steel
2010 (18cm h x 45cm x 20cm)



Stainless steel and copper-electroplated stainless steel
2011 (28cm h x 49cm x 31cm)


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